Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Fairly Easy Fair Isle

This is the Fairly Easy Fair Isle from Stitch 'N Bitch. I haven't blocked it yet or found the right buttons, but I wanted to get it on the blog ASAP. I knit it using Duchess by Classic Elite. I really like it a lot, and can hardly wait until it gets cold enough to wear it. The only problem I had with it was that one skein of the yarn had 6 (!!!!!) knots in it. Considering that each row is around 150 stitches on the bodice, when I got to a knot at about 135 stitches, I was somewhat perturbed. On two occasions, I just kept on rather that tink that much. I wish now I had bitten the bullet and gone back to the beginning of the row, because now there are two little "nipples" on the inside. The color is a little brighter than the photo shows. Bright colors are good for women of a certain age. We need all the help we can get.


amylovie said...

You are going to rock that sweater Mom!


knittingnurse said...

Oh my, that is a lovely sweater and I really like the color you chose. I think it's going to look FAB on you.

Good job!

Unknown said...

I love red and this sweater is so cool. Maybe I'll give it a try someday!