Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Fairly Easy Fair Isle

This is the Fairly Easy Fair Isle from Stitch 'N Bitch. I haven't blocked it yet or found the right buttons, but I wanted to get it on the blog ASAP. I knit it using Duchess by Classic Elite. I really like it a lot, and can hardly wait until it gets cold enough to wear it. The only problem I had with it was that one skein of the yarn had 6 (!!!!!) knots in it. Considering that each row is around 150 stitches on the bodice, when I got to a knot at about 135 stitches, I was somewhat perturbed. On two occasions, I just kept on rather that tink that much. I wish now I had bitten the bullet and gone back to the beginning of the row, because now there are two little "nipples" on the inside. The color is a little brighter than the photo shows. Bright colors are good for women of a certain age. We need all the help we can get.

Monday, July 23, 2007

First photo on my new blog

After a good bit of trial and error, I think I will finally succeed in getting this photo posted. This is the swatch for the lace pattern I will be using for a sweater I am knitting for Kristeen of French Girl Knits. (I would provide a link, but I don't know how.) Kristeen will be publishing a book, and I will have a small part in that. I won't be able to show you anymore of the sweater until the book is published, of course. This was knit with Louisa Harding Grace, which is a silk and wool blend. Fabulous!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

First post on my new blog

Okay, so I haven't been blogging for almost a year. I now have high speed internet, so I thought I would start all over and make a new blog. I am very out of practice with posting pictures, so I am not going to do that with this post. It is enough that I got the blog set up and my cartoon on there. I don't know how to transfer stuff from my old blog to this one, so in case anyone out there needs to review, you will just have to go to my old blog, mamenagerie.blogspot.com.

I better explain the title of this blog. When all my children were still at home and they would ask me what I wanted for Christmas, birthday, Mother's Day, or whatever, I would reply "I don't need anything. All I want is peace, harmony, and a clean house." I never got it. Being retired and an empty-nester, I now have peace and harmony, but the clean house usually eludes me. But that is my own fault.